Sunday, November 23, 2008
1 down....2 to go (trimesters that is)
We made it through the first 12 weeks! WOOOHOOO! God is good and we are counting our blessings, especially because for the most part, it was a very smooth 3 months. I really only felt not myself this last week for a couple of days, but I am pretty much back to normal. As you can see, the belly is starting to protrude slightly:) I am still in my normal jeans, but the button definitley gets "unbuttoned" after meals! We had our 12 week appt and got to hear the heartbeat, which was so amazing! It sounded like a miracle. I am already so in love. He/She is officially the size of a lime:) As we approach Thanksgiving this next week, I don't think my heart has ever been so full. I am overflowing with gratitude for the baby in my belly and for the most amazing husband on this planet. As my friend Jamie likes to say...."our cups are full!"

I got a new attitude!!!!!!!!

Well, new chapter of life, means new hairstyle! After many years of long, long hair, I chopped it off. It was long enough (10 inches) that I got to donate it to locks of love, which was really cool. Dusty is still getting used to it, but I think he likes it. It's a great change:) Watch out....Kim officially got a "mom" cut!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Proud Auntie and Uncle

Dusty and I are proud auntie and uncle to Charles "Charlie" Calvert Olson. Born on November 4th at 1:40 in the morning. Weighing in at a hefty 9 lbs and 7 oz. Boe and Chrissy did an amazing job through the whole process. We can't wait to journey with them through this special time. Charlie will be such a fun cousin!
Gummy Bear

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The bearer of good news
Dusty and I thought long and hard how we wanted to tell our parents about being pregnant. We threw around several ideas until we came up with using our pride and joy as the bearer of the good news. Our little Jaxie sported a "Big Brother" shirt and strolled right in. We met Chuck and Pattie at Fasion Island. Pattie got it right away and Chuck was a little delayed (love ya Chuck!). Then we were off to my parents. Once again, my mom was on top of it and burst into tears, while my dad said "what is Jax doing in that gay shirt?" Needless to say, both parents are ecstatic and can't wait for the little one to come along.
You are going to be a DADDY!!!!!!!!!

I told Dusty that I would pick him up curbside at the airport on Friday night. But instead, I made a big sign that said "Welcome Home Daddy!" When he came down the escalator to baggage claim there I was with my sign. He thought I was a little dumb at first, given he thought the sign was from Jax. However, when he read the fine print....yes there was fine print, he burst into tears! It was such an amazing moment between us! We went out to dinner to celebrate and we were both still in shock. I was so glad to have Dusty home so I could tell someone! I had been sitting with my secret for a whole day! Now we could share the good news
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Survey Says......PREGNANT!!!

Our journey starts on Thursday, September 25th, 2008. Dusty had been in Minnesota for two weeks for training for his new job and was coming home the next day. I had my suspicions about being pregnant and if it was going to be true, I wanted to find out so I could plan a fun way to tell Dusty when he came home. It was early in the morning and I woke up (a little smiley and nervous to be honest) and peed on the stick. It was so early that I brought the test back to my bedside table and climbed back into bed. That three minutes is pretty funny. I was just lying there wondering and praying and forcing myself not to look prematurely. After what seemed like eternity, I leaned over to sneak a peek and there it was.......PREGNANT. I sort of sat there stunned for a minute not knowing what to do. You see, I didn't stop to think about the fact that if the test did happen to say yes....then what? I was all alone! Well, that didn't stop me from crying and jumping up and down on the bed and having an incredible moment with my Savior. I vowed to not tell Dusty over the phone, so the day was used to plan the perfect way to tell Dusty.
Welcome to our blog!
Yes....everyone is doing it these days. So here I am creating a blog so that all of our closest friends and family can journey with us through this brand new chapter of our lives....becoming 1st time parents! Dusty and I are overwhelmed with joy....it's like we are giddy little school children and we invite you to share that joy with us! I can't make any promises about how often this will be updated, but I will do my best to keep you all in the loop.
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