Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our little fish

Dillan loves the water! I knew he liked his bath, but wasn't sure how he would do in the big pool. Well....big surprise....he loves it! I swear I have the coolest kid ever! Dusty took him for a dip at Caleb's birthday party, and then the next day we took him to our jacuzzi which is conveniently broken and feels like a luke warm bath. Check out the video....he loved it:)

Daddy and Dillan who is hiding under his hat

Much better with my hat off....now I can see!

I just love him!!!!!!

So content in daddy's arms

                   Our little swimmer!

The best 5 years of my life

Sometimes I look at Dusty and I feel like I have been married to him my whole life, and then other times I think "has it already been 5 years??? Where did the time go?" Last Friday, on June 26th, we celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. It is crazy how different this one was now that we are parents. There was a whole new joy associated with celebrating our commitment to one another over the last 5 years. We took advantage of the fact that our parents can't stand to be away from Dillan for more than two seconds, and had them come down to babysit. We had our first "date" since he came along. The day started with beautiful flowers in the morning, an unbelievable massage in the afternoon, followed by champagne in the jacuzzi. We then got to shower and get ready for the most special, wonderful dinner at Wine Works. Before we went to dinner, Dusty SURPRISED me with the most beautiful gift....a new ring! I just love it and was blown away. Our dinner was so good and I totally took advantage of not being pregnant anymore and had my fair share of wine:) However, at the end of the night we were giddy with excitement to get back and see our little man. As I reflect back on 5 years of marriage, there is one word that comes to mind: BLESSED. God truly hand picked Dusty for me as my partner for life. I can't wait to see what the next 5 years hold. I love you Dusty!

Jacuzzi action

All dressed up for a night on the town. I think 
this is the first time I blow dried my hair in
3 weeks:)

My new ring!

Check out my bling!!!!!

Wine works turned out to be an amazing, quaint little
wine bar with phenomenal food, great service, awesome
acoustic guitar live music, and lots of wine:)

Monday, June 22, 2009

My husband....the DADDY!!!!!!

What a special day yesterday was. I got to celebrate the love of my life for being a dad! Even typing that is still so surreal. When I first met Dusty, we were 19 years old and the two biggest goons on the planet. Now, we are still the biggest goons on the planet, but we are parents!!!! In these 2 and half weeks that Dillan has been here, I have witnessed my husband transform so naturally into the most amazing dad. My favorite thing to do is watch Dillan and Dusty together. I love when he talks to him and sings to him. Even this morning, Dusty got up at 5 to take Dillan into the other room and let me sleep in until 8! He is so selfless and so giving to me. I am more in love with my husband then I ever have been. Dusty, thank you for being a Godly man, a loving husband, and an amazing dad. I celebrate you and I love you so much!

One last shower!!!!!

Can you believe I still had one more shower to attend? This time I got to attend with my little man in tow! My mom's girlfriends wanted to throw a shower after Dillan came so they could love on him. The shower was hosted by lovely friends, and was at Jo Westervelt's home, which is soooo beautiful! Everything was just so cute with so many special details. Dillan pretty much slept the whole way through and got passed from lady to lady without even batting an eye! We got even more hooked up with books, toys, clothes, and blankets. He is truly set! Thank you for all the love and for the amazing shower!

Jo adoring Dillan

Mom's friends and little Dillan

The beautiful Hostess'
Kim, Tish, June, and Jo

Whit, Me, and Kate

Kimmy and Dillan

June giving Dillan kisses

Tish and Amy

PJ and Dilly

Another book to read Dillan:)

My cousins....Kristy and Kimmy

Deedie and Kristen Street

Nette and I

We are blessed by Friends!

Can you believe that Dillan will be 3 weeks old this week??? Yikes! The time is flying by and he continues to be the best baby on the planet. Over the course of the last 3 weeks we have had so many friends and family come visit our little guy. As most of you know, Dusty and I love a party, so the more the merrier! We have felt extremely blessed by the number of people that have come to love on Dillan and have brought us yummy food to eat! Here are some shots of Dillan's new friends in no particular order. I have tried to be good with my camera, but haven't captured everyone so if I left you out....my apologies! 

Uncle Drewbie

Pattie and Grandma Fran

Sarah, James, Dillan and I

These two meatballs are going to be best buddies!

The Harvey's chillin with little Dillan

The Smith's getting a preview of what is to come!

Dusty's manager Becca

Auntie Jamie came all the way 
from the Bay area to stay with us!

The Wilhelms with the baby Abraham. They
are two weeks apart:)

Uncle Boe, Auntie Chrissy and cousin Charlie


Papa and Yaya catching some Zzzzz's

Matt gettin some hang time with Dillan

Jack man and Dillan

My not so  little Sophie

PJ and the little worm

Todd and Megan

Papapa and GGG

Auntie Whitna

Kate and the little man

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Milestone #1

I know Dillan will have many milestones in his life, and I want to keep track of as many of them as I can. Well, we had our first one this morning....his umbilical cord fell off!!!!! That is a big deal right? Haha....I am such a sop. Anyways, he is definitely going to have an outie, and it is pretty much the cutest thing ever. I think my mom saved mine when it fell out, but I am definitely not doing that because it reeked like nothing you have smelled. I will settle with the picture of it:) Look at his cute belly.....I just want to eat him!

I actually noticed that it was off this morning when
I was in bed doing his early morning feeding. I looked
everywhere for it because it was gross and didn't want it in 
my bed. Guess where it was.....in my bra!!!!!! Sick:)

Look at that belly!

Definitely an outie:)

Can you say mini me??

Okay, so when Dilly was first born I thought "he looks just like Dusty!" Everyone that came to see him pretty much said the same thing. However, I would stare at him at night and think "well...he sort of looks like me." Then when I looked back at pictures from the hospital I saw a couple that I swore really looked like me when I was little. Then my dad brought down my baby picture and my suspicions were confirmed. He is a mini me!!!!!! See my baby picture below and be the judge!

This is me at 3 days old. My dad was calling 
me shifty all weekend because he says my eyes
looked shifty, like I had something up my sleeve:)

Dillan at 3 days old

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The arrival of our precious son....Dillan Davis Olson

He is here!!!!! I can't believe he is here, but what I can tell you is that I am absolutely head over heels in love. The kind of love I never thought possible. As I type this right now I have this human being, who is half me and half Dusty, nuzzled to my chest in his moby wrap (which he loves:)
I am going to attempt the short version of his whole grand entrance into the world, but as many of you know, there was nothing short about it. I was in labor for 26 hours and in the end (and by the grace of God) I was able to push out this 9 lb 15 oz meatball that has been baking inside me. I will include some pictures of the journey at the end. I would just like to take the time now to say thank you. For everyone that has followed this blog up until this point, and prayed for the healthy and safe delivery of Dillan....it worked! God is so good and He faithfully answered our prayers. Dillan is perfect in every sense of the word. We were SURROUNDED and ENVELOPED in prayer by our closest friends and family during this journey and we have never felt so loved. So, without further ado, here is the story of my little bear cub.....
I went to bed on Tuesday night, June 2nd like it was any other night, prepared for another night of horrible sleep, lots of peeing, and a ton of effort just to roll over. At about 1:30 I got up for a standard pee session, but when I sat down on the toilet I felt a gush of liquid and thought "I don't think that is pee...." But I just went back to bed and as soon as I laid down on the mattress I felt another gush! I woke Dusty up and said "I think my water just broke but I am not sure." So we sat there for about 10 minutes deciding if we should call the Dr. I didn't want to be "that girl" who rushes to the hospital just to find out I had peed myself. However, we decided to call and they told me to come in. Dusty hopped in the shower, we got everything together and off we went to the hospital. When I got there they did a test to determine if my water had indeed broke, and it had. I wasn't having contractions yet, so I was still pretty comfortable. We got our room and got settled and the contractions started coming around 4:30 in the morning. I spent the good part of the morning getting through those first contractions with the help of Dusty and the breathing we learned in class. At 8:30 the Dr. came to check me and I was at 3 cm dilated and decided to get the epidural at that point. The rest of the day I progressed pretty well on my own, getting to 6 cm by 1:00 pm. After that, I slowed down a bit and was stuck at 6 for awhile. It wasn't until 5:30 that they checked again and I was at 7. All this time, I was comfortable. I had my epidural and we had a ton of people coming in and out to say hi and it was a big party in my room. But then things took a turn for the worse. At around 8:00 I started to feel the pain of the contractions, so they gave me a boost of the medicine. But nothing was working or taking the pain away. Bottom line.....I was a 9 cm dilated and fully laboring with no drugs. What this translated to is pure hell. I was throwing up, crying, and kept saying "why is this happening? The drugs are supposed to work!" In the end, they ended up taking out my first epidural and giving me a whole new one. By 11:00, I was dead to the world, but at least couldn't feel the pain. Now it was a waiting game. My Dr. was not there so I had the Dr. on call, which ended up being the biggest blessing. Dr. May has delivered the most babies in Orange County of any OB/GYN and he was so patient. Thankfully, Dillan was still happy as a clam in there and was showing no signs of distress and I didn't have a temperature which is a sign of infection (since my water broke). So they let me ride it out until it was time to push. That time came at 2:00 am (we are now at June 4th folks....his actual due date:). I pushed for 54 minutes, until my son made his way from the inside to the out and into my arms. When the Dr. first pulled him out and showed him to me I thought "he is ginormous!" I was a big ball of mess when they put him on me and I could feel, touch, see, and smell him. Pure heaven. When they took him to clean him off and weigh him, all I could think was "THANK YOU Jesus for letting me have him naturally." So many things had to go right for me to not to have a C-Section in those last few hours, and it all came together in the end. When the nurse yelled out 9lbs and 15 oz, I think I passed out. Did that seriously just come out of me??? But to be honest, I felt proud. I DID IT! I have the war wounds to prove it (including a broken blood vessel in my eye from pushing:) 
Since the momentous occasion, things have been going awesome. Dillan is an excellent eater and sleeper. He gets up about every 4 hours to eat and then goes right back to sleep at night. I have more milk then I know what to do with. I have already pumped close to 20 oz just to relieve the pressure!!!!!!!! I have had many hours sitting up at night in the last week to reflect on this whole experience and here are the few things I want to share with all of you:
1.) Hands down, without debate, I have the MOST AMAZING husband in the world. Dusty was an ALL STAR. He never left my side. He supported me through, even when I was ready to throw in the towel and do the C-Section. He breathed, prayed, and championed me through the entire 26 hour experience. To see my son (who looks like Dusty) brings out a whole new level of love between us. I can't wait to see Dillan grow up to be just like his dad. An amazing man of God, a constant source of strength to me, and my best friend. 
2.) My entire hospital experience was awesome! Saddleback was the bomb! My nurses were phenomenal and took such good care of me. In a world, where many women don't have the opportunity to have such great hospitals where they live, I was counting my blessings. I am so grateful to Dr. May. He was so supportive and Dillan was his 9,453rd baby he has delivered in his 40 years of practice!
3.) The friends and family we are surrounded by are a pure gift. From the time we were admitted to the hospital to when we were discharged 3 days later, I think we had about 50 friends and family come see and support us. This is unreal! Thank you to everyone who came out and loved on us. Our immediate family was there every step of the way. Every parent and sibling was present and that meant the world to us. 

Okay.....that is one LONG post, but I figured I would write it all down, and that way I have access to it at any time in case I forget any of the details:) Below are a few pics of the event that has changed our life. Thanks for reading!

My "To bring to Hospital List"

Just got dressed in my gown and got into 
our "birthing suite"

Look at that belly!!!!

The giant meatball making his first
appearance into the world

Purest love I have ever known.....

Read it and weep...9 lbs and 15 oz!

We are a family of 3 now....crazy

Skin to skin is my favorite.....
I love his little nudie body:)

My chunk a monk

The two loves of my life

Time to go home! All dressed
up in his going home outfit
from PJ

We were so ready to leave the hospital
and get home. We had such a great experience!

Car ride home. His cheeks were shaking from
the vibrations of the car....I was dying!

Papa and Yaya had this sign delivered
to the house so everyone knew he had arrived.

Dillan LOVES his bouncer seat from 
Auntie Jordyn and Karly

First Bath! He wasn't too sure about it, 
but I loved every second of it....especially
how good he smelled after:)

My little Prince