Wednesday, March 12, 2014

4 months old

How can this beauty already be four months old??! She is giggling, blowing raspberries, and rolling all over the place. What a joy she is! This month Mackenzie started sitting in the exosaucer and took a bath in her bumbo with her brothers. She is on such a great schedule and is flexible when she has to be. When I took these four month pictures, I put her in this precious little dress that used to be my neice, Emery's. I think Jordyn's cousin made it with the matching booties. SO CUTE! Kenzie hasn't cut a tooth yet, but has drool for days and constantly has her hands in her mouth, so we probably aren't far away. At her 4 month check up she weighed 13 pounds (40%) and is 24.5 inches long (50%). I love you Mackenzie Nicole!

Connor turns 3!!

Connor turned 3 on February 4th and we started the day with a birthday doughnut. Let's just say that this was probably one of Connor's most favorite days to date. Any day that starts off with a doughnut is good, but if it is followed by Chuck E Cheese AND Disneyland then it is a total success! After we picked Dilly up for school we got lunch at Islands with PJ and then played some games at Chuck E Cheese. After that, it was time for some one on one time with mommy and daddy at Disneyland. Connor LOVED this. He got to choose each ride we went on and exactly what he wanted to do we did. The day was all about him and he ate up every ounce of it. For his actual party Connor said he wanted a "Blue party." So we ran with it and everyone wore blue, we had blue drinks, blue sandwiches, and a blue bounce house. Con was feeling so hot on the day of his party, but in pure Olson fashion we carried on. He even fell asleep on my dad during the party:( We still celebrated our little man and of course he woke up for his "pupcake." Connor Charles, you are FULL of life. You love to be silly, but can also throw a mean temper tantrum. You like to wrestle with your brother and are OBSESSED with The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You are a scootering machine and can almost swim. You are a daredevil through and through. I love when you say "giddy up cowboy" and show love to your sissy. You still love you "blank" more than life itself and suck your thumb anytime you have your blankie in your hands. We pray BIG things for you this year and can't believe you will be off to preschool next fall. Oh how we love and adore you Connor Charles. Happy Birthday!

Jammies and doughnuts? Winning

Watching Dill play the lizard game

Love this kid

It's a miracle, I am actually
in a picture:)


He LOVES this game

It was a tad bright out:)

Disneyland with mommy and daddy

Tea cups

Dusty makes me do this ride:)


Birthday sucker

Love this birthday boy

Blue party with Oly and Papa

Oly and PJ

All his buddies dressed in blue

Singing Happy Birthday

Make a wish!


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3 months old!

Mackenzie turned 3 months in January (I've lagged in my blogging lately...can you blame me??). She found her thumb at three months and started sleeping about 10 hours at night. She can roll from her tummy to her back and is so much more alert. She LOVES watching her big brothers and follows their every move. She sat in the bumbo for the first time and really likes seeing out. She is so content and sweet and we are so in love!

Trying to sit up like a big girl
is tough work

I could eat those legs!

Who is the cutest girl in the world
"I am" says Kenz

Crazy haired girl

2014 happenings

It's a new year! Man, 2013 sure did fly by and here we are welcoming in a new year as a family of 5. We are counting our blessings and we enter into a new year, and we are especially enjoying our new little addition, Miss Mackenzie. We celebrated my birthday and the New Year up in Pasadena with the Gardiners. We stayed at mom and dad's and then walked to the parade in the morning. The boys loved seeing all the floats and man was it GORGEOUS outside. Such a beautiful way to start the 2014. We have been filling our days just hanging as a family and trying to stay healthy. We have been sick a lot this winter, and we are ready to be healthy! So grateful for my sweet family and the memories we are making!

Mackenzie Nicole looking cute as ever

Mommy and Dilly snuggling

Big girl int he BUMBO!

A chilly walk on New Years Eve morning

Cool dudes

Connor is ready to ring in the New Year

Happy New Year

The boys having some jacuzzi time

Our besties

Dilly all decked out to celebrate
mommy's birthday

Day trip to Griffith Park to 
ride the train and the ponies

Giddy up Con!

Go Dilly

Two sharkies and a seahorse

Daddy and Kenz at Disneyland

Registering with Carly for 
baby Capri

Stylin in her tank top

My godson, Caden, hanging with 

Beautiful morning walk in Balboa...Dilly
seizing the day!

Connor fell asleep mid pretzel bite!

Dilly scored some cotton candy

Riding as a family of 5

The way he loves her is heart melting

Girls weekend get away. Breakfast
at the Beachcomber

Pretty baby

All ready for Valentines Day!

She is so scrumptious

Maggie and Mackenzie on Valentines Day

Visiting Papa after his knee surgery


Swinging in echo

Lots of Sequence going on around
here lately

My little gnome baby

Sissy's first bath with her bros

She LOVES the swing!