Monday, January 13, 2014

25 Days of Advent

So last year I started doing an advent calendar. I found these cute bags in the dollar bin at Target and then just stenciled on some numbers. My hope is to be able to reuse them every year:) Each day we do a different activity and the boys absolutely love it. Some are meaningful and some are just really fun! When you start your own family it is such a privilege to be able to start your own traditions. I know my activities will have to adapt as the kids get older, but I really hope to be able to do this every year! The main meaning is to remind ourselves of what the season of Advent is truly about....and that is that Christ was the most humble setting...a manger in a barn. The Savior was born and he came to life so that we may have life....abundant life! Merry Christmas indeed:)

Missing Day wouldn't upload:(

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