Friday, January 17, 2014

Christmas Day

We woke up in our home on Christmas Day. Of course Dusty and I were up before the kids cuz we were so excited. The magic of this season is just so special at this age. We made our coffee, turned all the Christmas lights on, lit candles, turned on the Christmas music, started breakfast and then just waited for them to get up:) They finally woke up and it was SO AWESOME! We opened stockings first and every little thing was like "THIS IS JUST WHAT I WANTED!!!!!!!!" That kind of reaction makes all the hustle and bustle worth it. After presents we ate a really yummy breakfast and Dust read us the Christmas story out of the Bible. Since it felt like summer out, we put our shorts and shirts on and headed up to Papa and Yaya's! Dan and Ann were up with us this year, and so were Drew and Jordyn so it was a full house:) Always love being with family! It was another Christmas for the memory books!

Dilly wanted a periscope soooo bad....
he was over the moon!

Blurry because he was SO happy
to get a new Woody doll

Reading his new animal book

Me and Kenz


Beebers and Dilly being silly

Yaya knitted Mackenzie a gorgeous blanket

 Me and Mistletoe Mania

Cutie Kenzie

Wy guy


Me and Dilly

 Drew, Jordyn, and Wyatt

Me and Con


Whit and Kyle

The kiddos got sweet new digs...

Nice Dillan

Christmas Lunch

Papa reading the kiddos a Christmas story

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