Monday, September 28, 2009

Look at the big boy!

We put Dillan's exosaucer (sp??) together today and he is in heaven! Can you believe he is big enough to already be in it? He was a bit overwhelmed by all the toys he can play with, but needless to say, he loved it! Check him out.....

4 months old!

Our little man is not so little anymore! We had his 4 month appt today and he weighs 15.2 pounds and is 26 and 1/4 inches long! Holy Moly! So much happened in this last seems as though Dillan is doing something new everyday! Dusty and I just LOVE watching him grow and at night I swear I could just watch him sleep for hours. He is still keeping such a great schedule. He sleeps about 11 hours at night and takes three naps a day. I will probably start rice cereal in the next couple of weeks which should be exciting! Here are the highlights from the last month!

*hearing Dillan laugh!!!! It is still sporadic, but when it happens it melts my heart. I love when I am able to get him going
*Dillan started grabbing at objects about a couple of weeks ago. It is so cool! He loves the play mat even more because he can actually grab it
*Dilly and I love taking our morning walk together with Jax. Such a nice time to reflect and enjoy the quiet. Dillan always falls asleep:)
*Unfortunately, Dillan has discovered his ability to roll over at any time, so instead of just falling right asleep when I put him in his crib for a nap, he rolls over and moves himself all over the crib. Although cute, sometimes NOT SO CUTE....if you know what I mean
*Dillan pretty much put his hands in his mouth all day. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a tooth pretty soon.
*story time..... Dillan loves reading books, especially with daddy

Such a happy boy

His model pose

"Dear Jesus, thank you for my mommy!"

Hey dudes!

Handsome boy

I love my feet

Mr. Smiley Pants


Dillan LOVES hanging out with his new cousin Emery! Last week, Auntie Jordyn and Emery came over to hang out and the two little ones had a blast on the play mat. Dillan can't wait to show her the ways of the world!

Dillan is 4 months
Emery is 1 month

Aren't we the cutest kids EVER???

Cousin's for life:)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dillan laughs!!!!!

While we were in Texas we got the best gift.....Dillan laughed. And not just for a second which he has done before. I am talking a full on giggle for like 5 minutes. I DIE!!!!!!!!!! It was seriously the cutest thing ever! Dusty and I looked at each other and we were both crying. I am posting it because it is so dang cute. Just ignore the fact that both Dillan and Dusty are naked in the bath:) Don't worry, it is G rated. Hope you enjoy this at much as we did.....

Dillan's first plane ride!

We went to Texas over Labor Day weekend for the beautiful wedding of Mike and Meghan Lawson. Dusty was the best man and so we went out early and had an extended stay:) The Lawson's hooked us up and we got to stay at this really cute place in Wimberly, Texas. The mornings were my favorite....sitting in rocking chairs on the porch drinking coffee and all being obsessed with how cute Dillan is. The little man did amazing on the plane and really enjoyed the lone star state!

Making our way through the security line

They even made Dillan take his shoes off:)

Having fun with mama
on the plane

Dillan in his new big boy stroller

Howdy Partner!

Dust and I with the soon to be bride and groom

Dilly and I bustin a move on the
dance floor

Me and my man

The whole gang!!!!!!

The beautiful couple....Mike and Meghan

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ohhhh Mexico...sounds so sweet I just got to go

I haven't been to Mexico in over a year and it was definitely time to go. Dusty had a golf tournament last weekend so I decided to get out of this ugly, humid weather and head down south with Papa and Yaya. It was so beautiful down there and we had such an amazing time. Dillan did great and loved taking walks on the beach and just chillin. It would have been so much better if Dusty could have been there.....we sure did miss him. Check out the pics!

The ocean breeze....ahhhhh!

Hanging out with his buddy Jax

Going for a walk on the beach with Papa

Dillan's first Mexico sunset

I love my Papa and Yaya!

"What choo doin'?

Daily beach walk with the doggies!

I love me some dilly

Just catchin' some rays

Jax Man!

So I have two chins....what's it to ya?

Morning cuddle time cute is he???

Just chillin with pops

3 months old!

Dillan turned 12 weeks last week.....ahhh!!!!!!!! Where is the time going? I CANNOT believe how much he has changed this last month. He is really becoming such a little man. We have been enjoying our sleep since Dillan has been sleeping through the night since 10 weeks. He is pretty much a champ! Dusty and I are just in heaven watching him grow up. Here are my favorites of the last month:
*he wants to put EVERYTHING in his mouth! He finally found his thumb which has helped in being able to just set him in his crib and then he puts himself to sleep
*he is talking and cooing up a storm. He makes so much noise and loves hearing his own voice
*he is OBSESSED with Jax. He watches him trot all over the house. Jax loves Dillan too. He comes up and gives him kisses on the face
*he loves his bumbo seat, but not for too's a lot of work:)
*he smiles basically like 24 hours a day. He is just such a happy baby!

Getting so long!

"Hey everybody...."

" are so funny!"

"I am three months old today!"

The Davis Fam adds one more.....Emery Mae Davis

The wait is over....she is here! Drew and Jordyn gave birth to a beautiful girl on August 26th at 3:27 in the afternoon. She weighed 8 lbs and 8 ozs and was 21 inches long. After 9 long months of not knowing her name, the reveal was beautiful.....EMERY MAE DAVIS! She couldn't be more perfect and I am SO proud of my brother and sister in law. I was blessed to be able to be in the room rootin' on Jordyn and seeing the miracle of life first hand (instead of being the one pushing:) What a blessing to me and a day I will treasure forever. Jordyn was a champ! Labor progressed fast after being induced early Wednesday morning. After a couple of hours of hard work and lots of pushing she was here!!! When she first came out she was wide awake with these huge eyes! Since then she has pretty much slept everytime I have seen her....but that is the best thing about newborns! Jordyn's hospital had no age limitations for visitors so Dillan got to meet her on her actual birthday. They will be best buddies.....exactly 12 weeks apart. I can't wait to watch the two of them grow up together. God is so good and I am in awe of His plan of birth and creation. Praise God for another beautiful baby......AND A GIRL AT THAT! Enjoy the pictures!

Drewbie is going to be a dad!

Waiting for beba!

A little gift for the baby girl from her Auntie!

The waiting Aunties:)

What a doll!!!!!!!!!!!

I love this picture!!!! Emery is in the background
like, "hey....I am over here mom and dad!"

Just adoring her....she is perfect!

A proud Papa and Yaya

Uncle Dusty and Auntie Kimmie

8 lbs and 8 ozs!

Dillan, this is your cousin Emery:)

Going to be such a good daddy!

All bundled up and ready to be snuggled

It is just coincidence that we are all wearing
black...but made for a good pic:)

Stork announcing Em's birth

Welcome home Emery!

Best Cousins!

Papa with his two grandchildren

Trading places.....