Saturday, February 19, 2011

The daddy and dilly show

Since Connor entered the world, Dusty and I have been practicing the balance act of having two kids. If you were a fly on our wall, you would hear conversations that go like this "ok, you change the diaper and I will burp him," or "you get Dillan, I will get Connor," or "you do bath and I will do books," or if we are lucky "they are both napping, let's SLEEP!!!!!!" I have been so impressed by my husband. He has jumped in head first and has been the biggest help by POURING into Dillan. Because Connor is attached to my boob (what feels like all day:), Dusty has made the best effort to give Dillan the love and attention he needs and deserves, when I am stuck in a chair. Nothing warms my heart more, then when I am in the other room feeding Connor and I hear laughter bouncing off the walls where Dusty and Dillan are playing. This video shows you what I stumbled upon the other night. I know none of you will be shocked that goldfish are a part of their fun:) I am so blessed by my boys!!!! ALL OF THEM!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Connor Charles is here!!!!!!

After 39 weeks and 4 days, little Connor Charles decided it was his time to make his way into this world. He is perfection in every way. He has a full head of hair, a tiny button nose, and the most kissable lips you have ever seen. This experience was an absolute 180 from my experience with Dillan, that I still have to pinch myself to know it was all real! Here is the story of Connor entering the world.
I went to my 39 week appt on Friday morning and my Dr said that I hadn't made any progress and was still only dialated to a 1. She was pretty convinced that she would see me on Monday to put the foley catheter in, which would start my induction. I went home that afternoon and laid down when Dillan was taking a nap. I started to feel contractions around 3, but they were really sporadic. As the day wore on, the contractions became stronger and closer together. I really wasn't sure what to think. I knew they were real, but wasn't sure if they were false labor or real labor. But as the night came upon us, I was in some real pain. Dusty started to get our stuff together and we got Dillan to sleep. By 7 oclock I was in SO much pain. The contractions were right on top of each other and there wasn't a lot of recovery time in between. We called Les to come over and be with Dillan and we headed to the hospital. Let's just say that was a brutal car ride. Dust was awesome as he helped me through the contractions. We finally made it up to Labor and Delivery and they checked me. I was at 5 cm and as soon as the nurse left my water broke. They got me in a room right away and I was begging for the an epidural. The nurse told me they had to get the IV in before I could get the epidural. By this time, I was in the WORST pain. I couldn't believe how intense the contractions were. My nurse said I am going to check you one more time (this was only 20 minutes after she checked me the first time). I WAS AT AN 8!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things were moving fast. My mom wasn't even there yet! I was able to get the epidural about 10 minutes later and just I was about to relax, we had a little scare. Connor's heart rate dropped dramatically. They pushed some medicine in my IV, but nothing was happening. So the Dr. decided to wheel me in the OR just in case they had to do an emergency C-Section. And just like that I was being wheeled down the hallway to the OR. I was SO SCARED! I didn't want a C-Section, but more importantly, I was so scared for Connor. As soon as I got in there, they were looking at the monitor and after about 1o minutes they felt much better about Connor's heart rate and they wheeled me back into the room. I WAS SO RELIEVED!!!!!!!!! Praise God! At this point the Dr. informed me that Connor was sunnyside up and the cord was wrapped around his neck. Fortunately, at this point, my support system had shown up and the drugs had kicked in. I had about 20 minutes of relaxation before it was time to push. The Dr on call was so great! She informed that if he didn't come out in 3 pushes she was going to use the vaccume since the cord was around his neck. On that 4th push and a little help of the vaccume, Connor came into this world! He was very purple, but let out a big cry and we all knew he was going to be just fine! Overall this experience went so fast, but it was so incredibly blessed. God was with us in that room and with Connor. He allowed me to have another vaginal birth, which I am so grateful for!
Dusty is my number one man! He never left my side (except to put on scrubs while they wheeled me away). He cheered me on every moment, rubbed my back when I was writing in pain, and breathed me through the contractions. He was MY EVERYTHING through all of labor and delivery. I also got to have a few of my closest girlfriends in the room along with my mom, sister, and sis in law. They were the best cheering section a girl could ask for. Dr. Mendelson was great, my nurses were great, and all in all, it was the perfect hospital experience!
We are adjusting to being a family of 4. Dillan has been sick all week, along with Dusty and I, so we are coveting prayers for full health in our household. Connor is an amazing baby thus far. I wake him up twice in the night to feed and he goes right back down. I hope he continues on that path!!!!! We have ventured out to the grocery store and the mall and he just sleeps the whole time:) I love my boys and I truly feel like the most blessed woman in the world. Here are some pics that I think captured the experience. Enjoy:)

Love at first sight!

Daddy & Connor

8 lbs......MUCH lighter than Dillan!

Dr. Mendelson.....she was the Dr on call and
was fantastic!

We did it!

Hello little Connor!

Our family of 4 for the first time!

Dillan holding his little brother for the first time

All dressed up!

Sooooo ready to leave the hospital and see Dilly

Ready to go home!

My two boys

Taking Connor for a stroll

My little munchkin!