Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Beebs turns 1!

Little Emery Mae turned one last week and her momma and daddy threw her a beautiful birthday party and dedication to celebrate! My little niece is pretty much the cutest little girl in the world. She brings joy to EVERYONE she is around! She loves to say "HI!" to everyone she sees and has a laugh that just melts my heart. Dillan and Emery are only 12 weeks apart and they have so much fun together. It brings such joy to Dusty, Drew, Jordyn, and I that our kids will grow up best buds as cousins. We love doing life together and these kiddos have pretty much rocked our world! I love that Beebs (her nickname) has stuck since birth and that she is such a BEEBS! Jordyn and her mom are so creative and did such a beautiful job with the party. Every detail was SOOO GIRL! Enjoy the pink party!

All the cute touches....cupcakes, pink lemonade,
gumballs, and of course Emery's own cake:)



Proud mom and dad

My sweet beebs

Dust, Dillan, Kimmie, and Emery

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Oly and PJ took us to the LA Zoo and we had a blast! Dillan absolutely LOVES animals! Every exhibit we went to he would point and say "OHHHHHHHH." We are working on animal sounds, so it was so fun to go to each animal and say "what does the lion say?" His favorite seemed to be the monkeys. They were jumping all around and swinging from branch to branch and he was just so enthralled. We followed the day up with a trip to Americana and ate lunch at Cheesecake. It was the perfect day!

Going to the zoo!

PJ, those zebras match your shirt:)

Look at the monkeys!

Goofin' around with dad

Taking it all in from up high

A lovely tea

Dusty's cousin, Lexy, just left for college at U of A! GG threw an amazing tea to give her a good send off! We had so much fun celebrating all of her accomplishments and just enjoying a lovely afternoon tea! GG even let us take our tea cups home! It was a special day and we are all praying Lexy has a great first year at school. I love spending time with the ladies in my family!

Welcome to tea...please pick your teacup!

GG and Lexy

The Olson girls:
Pattie, GG, Cheryl, Andy,
Tessa, Lexy, Kimmie, & Chrissy

Funky tea sandwiches!

The girls gabbin'

My beautiful tea cup that I chose

Me and Lex

Dillan's favorite activity

My little man has big dreams of being in NASCAR! All he wants to do is sit in the car and drive, drive, drive! It is so cute how excited he gets to be behind the wheel! He even takes the gear shift and pretends to put it in drive. I love watching him discover the world around him and see what he falls in love with. He brings me the greatest amount of joy possible! Watch out...it's Mario Andretti!

What a cutie!

Look at me mom!

We moved!

I am happy to say that we are on the other side of the move and finally starting to feel settled after a LONG week of moving and unpacking. We started the process back in February, when we decided to sell our house. We have loved living at Colibri and it provided us with many memories the last four years: fun parties, great bible studies, amazing dinners, and we even brought our first child home there! But all good things must come to an end, and we needed more space!!!!!!! We found a BEAUTIFUL home in Lake Forest to rent until we decide where we want to be permanently. I need to give a HUGE shout out to my daddio! Not only did he assist us with the sale of our house, but he is also solely responsible for helping us get into this rental. There were 20 applications and they chose us (with a lot of persuasion from my pops!) Anyways, we are so incredibly blessed by this place and the amount of space it is giving us for our growing family. Many parties are to be had and memories to be built. We can't wait!!!

Welcome to our new home!

Jax enjoying his new digs

Family and dining room

Dillan dancing to some tunes

My favorite part....the kitchen!

Back patio

Love all the space back there:)

Dilly's swingset!

8 and 12 weeks

So I am obviously a little behind in my blogging, but we had a HUGE move last week, so I think I get some grace. That post is soon to come:) Well, I am officially 16 weeks pregnant already, which is so surreal, because most days I forget that I am pregnant with all that is going on!!!!! We have our 16 week appointment on Monday and I am hoping that the doc will slip us in for an ultrasound to see if we can see the sex. I will keep you updated:) For now, here are a couple of belly shots thus far. I am feeling good for the most part, still a little tired from the move and in desperate need of a good massage:) I still have a bad day here and there, but good days definitely outweigh the bad. I thought I would show much earlier this time around, but I seem to be on the same track as the last pregnancy. I am just now starting to get a bump. Feeling so grateful for the babe in my belly! 16 week coming soon.....

8 weeks!

12 weeks....through the first trimester!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A new chapter

Well, since we are no longer going to be a family of 3, I had to change the title of my blog! We are now titled "The Olson Odyssey" and this blog will cover the adventures of our growing family! Dusty and I are overjoyed (and also still in shock) about expecting another baby. We "pulled the goalie" right before Dilly's first birthday and I just figured it would take a couple of months for us to get pregnant, like it did with Dillan. However, God had a different plan and we got pregnant the first month! I took the test at home and was so happy when I saw the "pregnant." I immediately called Dust up to the room and had it laying on his pillow. We had an awesome moment of celebration and prayer and then shared the news with Dilly! We went to our first appointment at 8 weeks and got an official due date of February 8th. Dillan and the baby will be 20 months apart, which will be so fun! Dillan will be the BESTEST big brother in the whole world!


Hmmmm Mom....what is this?

Mommy and Dilly celebrating

My boys


Dilly giving some kisses to the baby

Monday, August 2, 2010

Palm Desert Getaway

We had such a fun time in the desert with Oly and PJ, and Boe, Chrissy, and Charlie! It was HOT outside, but that didn't spoil our fun. Dillan was a little fishy the whole time and we pretty much just lived in the pool. Dillan is swimming so well:) He loves to put his face in and play with pool toys. Dillan loved playing trucks with Charlie and they were partners in crime all weekend! It is so fun to see PJ and Oly "livin" with their grandsons. They are such great grandparents and Dillan is so blessed to have them. Dusty and I even got to sleep in one morning:) It was a great trip.....

Mommy and Dilly

Family Swim Time

Playing on the playground


Teeter-totter with Charlie and PJ and Oly

My boys


Nice mohawk dude!

Family shot

PJ and Oly and their grandbabes