Sunday, March 21, 2010

Need I say more?

The loves of my life....I mean could they be any cuter? They make my world go round....they are the reason for my joy. God blessed me abundantly when he gave them to me. My cup is literally overflowing!

Friday, March 19, 2010

9 months

I am a little late on this post, but better late than never! Life seems to be getting busier and busier. I am now back to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays so trying to keep current is getting a little bit more challenging! Dillan turned 9 months on March 4th and we have been having a great month! The weather has been so nice that we have been spending a lot of time outside. We go to the beach and the park and lots of walks with Dillan's sidekick, Jax. Of course there have been a lot more changes this month as well. Our little guy is talking a lot! Lots of babbling and dada, baba, that sort of thing. He loves to laugh! Making animal sounds really gets him going:) He has a ton of hair and sometimes I put gel in it and is soooo cute! He is getting his two upper teeth right now and it seriously makes him look so old! Dillan is pulling himself up on everything and moving around the furniture. I don't think we are too far off from his first steps which is crazy....he is such a mover and shaker. He is pretty much eating all table food and has graduated from baby food. He is such a good eater! This month was the first time Dillan has gotten sick, which was such a bummer, but we also feel so blessed that he has been so healthy his first 9 months of life. But it was a double whammy with both ears infected.....he has been such a trooper though and we are almost out of the woods. I am seriously just so in love with my son and he brings me more joy that I EVER thought imaginable. Check him out!

What up suckas!!!!!!

Look at me....I am a 9 month old



Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I am a tiger! are soooo funny!

Seriously, the cutest kid ever!!!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Beach Day with my buddies

The weather has been so amazing this week in Orange County, so we have been taking advantage and getting outside every second we can. Dillan LOVES to be outside. He points at everything and I get to explain what it is and what purpose it serves in this world:) We have so much fun exploring the world around us. This week on St Patty's Day a crew of us headed down to San Clemente and enjoyed a day in the sun. Dillan had so much fun playing with his buddies and playing in the sand (which includes eating it:) We are so blessed by where we live and the friends we do life with! Check out Dilly hangin with his buds....

Car and I and our boys

Caleb and Dilly...I LOVE THIS PICTURE

Dillan getting the lay of the land

I love the beach

Playing with my shovel

Almost ready to go ride the waves

Hangin with my posse...Jack and Bennett

Silly Dilly

My cuz....Beebs

Cousins hanging together

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Obsessed with Daddy!

We are having so much fun with Dillan. This is by far our most favorite stage, especially for Dusty. Dillan is so into his daddy. When Dust comes home from work, Dillan squeals with delight! They go on walks together, play together, and Dust loves showing Dillan the world. Dillan and I just took a trip to northern California and when Dust picked us up from the airport, Dillan was SOOOOO happy. He laughed and laughed. It melted my heart! Check out the Daddy and Dilly team!

Up High!

Playing nintendo with dad in the man cave

Just hangin around with dad