Monday, August 22, 2011

Supper Club hoedown!

It was our turn to host Supper Club and we settled on a good ole fashion hoedown! We chose a menu and then all the details started coming together! I picked out some fabrics at Joanne's and my mom graciously sewed the linens. I spent some time at the scrapbook store putting together some of the little details. We even bought some hay to transform the house and yard to a true ranch! We love these friends and had such a blast! The food was SOOOO good and we had enough to feed an army! My cowboy was the master grill man and the whole evening was delightful! Enjoy!

Welcome to the Olson Ranch!

My Wanted sign:)

Hay Bales

The table

Pretty sunflowers

Place settings

Appetizer table


My handsome cowboy


The boys

The girls

Pretty lights that Dust hung


Beef Brisket


The gang

Kickin their boots up after a hearty meal

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Potty Training

Not my favorite event on the parenting journey so far:) Let's just say it's quite the commitment. However, I am happy to report that Dillan is doing amazing! He remains dry throughout the day and he went poop in the potty for the first time yesterday, which was HUGE! There are sure to be lots of accidents in the days to come, but I am reminding myself that it is a process. I am so proud of him! And there is nothing cuter than him running in, nudie, with his hands in the air screaming "Mommy! I went pee pee on the potty!"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

6 months old!

Connor is half a year! These past 6 months have been so awesome! He truly is the happiest kid. Dusty and I ask each other all the time..."How did we get so lucky?" We have the most amazing boys and they just bring us so much joy! This last month has been crazy busy. Connor officially went to 2 naps. I say that with a little hesitation, because most mornings we are on the go so he gets a morning car ride nap and then takes a stellar nap in the afternoon. Such is the life of a second child I guess:) He is so flexible and go with the flow. He is eating every 4 hours and then having breakfast, lunch, and dinner of rice cereal. He is pretty much a regular human being, not a life sucking force:) He sleeps from 7 to 7 and sometime later if his big bro doesn't wake him up! The other morning Dillan came running in and said "Connor is awake." I went into Dillan's room first to find a snow filled room. He had gotten his toe nail cutting scissors and found an instruction manual in his room and cut and ripped it to lots of tiny shreds. When I walked into Connor's room, the chair was pulled up to his crib and there was a snow storm in there as well! I am glad Dillan felt like Connor could use some of that snow too....I am just glad he didn't choke on anything! We now have a very strict rule of staying out of Connor's room in the morning:) These boys are crazy! Connor is sitting up for short periods before slumping over! He rolls across the house pretty much, and he laughs at his big brother all the time! Life is good!

I am 6 months old!

Mom, give me that camera!

Happy Boy

Cool hair dude

Drooling man these days:)


My loves

Rice Cereal

Time for the Conman to eat solids! Can it be? He is just getting so big:( He definitely wasn't sure about it the first time, but now he is a champ. I put bananas in it this week and now he LOVES it! I just love these milestones. I think back to when Dillan had rice cereal for the first time and now he downs everything from mac n cheese, to peas, to bagels, and even tomatoes! They just grow and change so much and I love watching every moment! Here are a couple of pics of the little man chowin' down:)

Got my bib on and I am ready!

Not sure what I think about this mom!

OK, maybe I like it:)

Flashback! Here is Dilly with his first experience
eating rice cereal. Clearly my camera skills have
gotten a little bit better in 2 years!