Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Morro Bay

We had an awesome weekend up in Morro Bay to celebrate Jordyn and Leslie's 30th birthdays. I left BOTH of my boys with Papa and Yaya and had an unadulterated weekend away. Connor did great with the bottle and mommy got to take a 3 hour nap one day and sleep in until 9 am!!!!!! I felt so refreshed and it was a well deserved break in my mind:) We had an awesome time just relaxing, taking long walks, watching movies, and cooking up some really yummy food. Both of these girls are HUGE influences in my life and it was a joy to celebrate their birthdays together. Love you Jordy and Les-O-lee! I also just realized that Dusty is not in any of these pictures...but I swear he was there and we had such a great time connecting and relaxing with no kiddos!

Getting ready to grub a yummy breakfast!

Beer was flowin for the boys!

Dinner out to celebrate....so we actually showered:)

Matt and Drewbie bbqing it up!

Homemade Banana cream pie to celebrate

Happy 3-0 girls!

Weekend Getaway

We had a great Mother's Day weekend away in the desert with our good friends, The Cefalia's. James and Dillan had a blast together, especially on the slip and slide. The weather was perfect! While the boys golfed, the girls hung with the kiddos and relaxed (as much as we could with 3 kids). When it was nap time we enjoyed a drink and the sun:) Love doing life with these peeps!

Family Photo


Classic worker man

Sarah and I being goofs

Pool time!

Slip n Slide!

May's Centerfold:)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mimicking Mommy

Dillan is seriously cracking me up these days! His vocabulary is growing by the minute and he says and does the funniest things. The other day he asked if he could wear the baby bjourn and put his bear in it. He ran around the whole house laughing so hard. He really does get a kick out of himself:)

Monday, May 9, 2011

A day to celebrate....ME!

This Mother's Day we were out in the desert with our good friends, the Cefalia's. We had an amazing weekend in the sun (post coming soon) and the boys really spoiled us on Mother's Day! Dillan came in with flowers and a Starbucks for mommy, which started my morning out just right. I got a sweet card from my hubby and my boys. Dillan told Dusty to write that I was his best friend (tear) and Connor said thanks for all the milk:) Dusty cooked an amazing breakfast and then Jimmy and Dusty sent Sarah and I to the spa at the Marriott hotel. I had an hour massage (first massage since having Connor). Let's just say I was in HEAVEN! We then hit up the jacuzzi, steam room, and had a long leisurely lunch by the pool. I honestly could have stayed all day, but I only pumped one bottle! It was such a wonderful day and I felt very loved and cherished by my boys. Being a mommy to Dillan and Connor is the best thing that has happened to me in this life. Even though I know they ultimately belong to Jesus, I am so glad He chose ME to be there mommy and take care of them on earth. As a mom, my #1 desire for both of them is that they would come to know Jesus at a young age and pursue Him passionately. Thank you Dusty for planning an amazing day for me......I NEEDED IT!

Opening my card with Connor

Dillan and Connor....my amazing sons

I also need to give a shout out to my mom and mother in law. I am so blessed by my mom. She has been my #1 fan since the day I was born. She is the most hard working woman I know. She is passionate, fiery, fun loving, and loyal. She would do ANYTHING for me and let me tell you, she has done a WHOLE LOT! She is my best friend and I am so blessed by her. And on top of all that, she is the best YAYA around! Then there is the mother of the man I love. She raised an awesome Godly man and is THE MOST nurturing woman I know. She has the heart the size of Texas! I am so lucky to have Pattie in my life and be the daughter she never had:) Not to mention her love for my kids is out of this world! I celebrate both of these women and am very grateful for them both!

My moms!

My new niece...Katherine Jane Olson

Dusty's brother, Boe and his wife Chrissy, had their little baby girl last Wednesday on May 4th! Kate weighed in at 8 lbs (much lighter than her big bro Charlie:) We are so excited to finally have a girl in our Olson clan! I can't wait to spoil her and buy her so many cute clothes. She is such a beauty!

Katherine Jane Olson....so cute!

What a little cutie!

My brave boy

Dillan has had a pretty rough 6 months when it comes to his ear infections. Since Thanksgiving he had 3 double ear infections. My pediatrician finally suggested we go see an ENT. When we did it was confirmed that Dilly's ears didn't drain properly and the Dr recommended he get ear tubes. It is a minor surgery in which the Dr. makes a tiny incision in the middle ear and puts tubes in that help the fluid drain from the ear. The tubes fall out on their own anytime in the next year. The surgery in and of iteself only took 20 minutes, but it was pretty scary to have Dillan go under anesthesia. The nurses warned us that his age group has a pretty rough time when they come to after being under. I am so glad that they warned us because Dillan was such a mess for like 20 minutes. Then all of the sudden he was fine! It was pretty crazy. He was such a big boy and we were so PROUD of him. The Dr said he had a ton of fluid in his ears and that the tubes will make him feel much happier! We have his follow up appt on Wednesday and I am praying that everything looks good! He will get his ear plugs and be all set for when we go to the desert in a couple of weeks!

This is what we saw when we got to come
back and see him after surgery. It was so
sad to see him like this:( But I was just grateful
everything went well!

3 months old!

My big boy is growing! How is it possible that he is already 3 months old?? Connor is Mr. Smiley pants! He is starting to be much more aware of his surroundings. He started grabbing at the toys on his playmat, and always pulls his paci out of his mouth. We were at my parents house the other day and the doggies kept walking back and forth and he would laugh everytime:) We started giving the boys their bath at the same time this last month and Dillan loves it! He helps me rinse his hair and makes sure "baby" is ALL CLEAN! Connor now goes down around 7:30ish and sleeps till about 7! HOLLA! Let me just say, getting the boys on the same schedule at night has been SO NICE! Another big change this last month was that I went back to work. Leaving my little guy this early was a little tough, but I so grateful to get offered my old position working part time that I had to jump on it. My mom and Pattie watch the boys two days a week, and Connor has been doing great. I truly am so blessed by this little man and I love watching him grow!

Hello Handsome

Sitting up like a big boy (this only lasted
about a second longer before he slowly
fell over:)

I love this picture

Hey everybody....I am 3 months old!


Always wants to hold his brother