Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Best Friends

I am a little behind in my blogging, so be prepared for an onslaught of posts:) A couple of weeks ago we had a little mini reunion with all of my best girlfriends from Pt Loma. We try to get together all of us at least twice a year. With babies in the mix now it makes it a little bit harder (since two of the girls live in Norcal), but we still make an effort! This year we got to have a nice relaxing retreat at our good friends, the Kortman's home. They were out of town and let us girls raid their home:) We had SO MUCH FUN! It was like being back in college again and we so easily fall into the younger versions of ourselves:) We talked for hours, laid by the pool, nursed our babies, ate good food, and talked some more! I love these girls more than anything, and now I love their kids even more! Most of the pics are actually of the babies...HAHA! We left the toddlers at home and brought the babies, so it was actually very relaxing for me:) Miss them already!

Avy, Connor, and Selah
Avy and Connor are 5 days apart and Selah
is a few weeks behind them

My bestie Jamie and her miracle baby Avy!

Connor and his two girls by his side:)

Pretty Avy aka...mini Jamie

My handsome man

The newest addition to the group:
Penelope Jane...just 8 days old in this picture!

Nudie swim time for the babes

Connor hanging with his auntie Steph

Selah snoozin with mama


One started and they all joined it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day

This year was Dusty's first father's day as a father of 2! It was his day and he got to do whatever he wanted....which of course meant starting the day with a round of golf! After his round, the boys and I met him at the club for a fun lunch. Dillan got to play golf on the putting course with his daddy, which both he and Dusty LOVED! After that we headed home for naps and got ready for the Davis clan to come over for dinner to celebrate our dad. It was an awesome day and I felt so immensely blessed for a few reasons.....
Dusty is truly the most amazing dad! When Dusty and I fell in love (over 10 years ago!) I knew he would be a great father. He is fun loving, affectionate, an affirmer, a good listener, goofy, a warrior and protector, a seeker of Jesus....so many characteristics that make up a good father....HE HAS ALL OF THEM! Dusty POURS into our boys. He comes home after a long day of work and is immediately hands on. He gets up with Dillan almost every morning and does the morning routine while I feed Connor. He SHARES in the parenting process, and for that I am so grateful. I don't think there is anything more joyful for me then to hear Dillan and Dusty laughing while they wrestle and play "bunking bronco." When we were at church on Saturday night our pastor gave this fact "The SINGLE most important relationship there is in determining a child's heart for the Lord is the role of their earthly father." WOW! That is heavy stuff. But Dusty has taken that challenge head on! And the reason he is so good at it is because he had a father, Chuck, who took that role very seriously as well.

I am so grateful for my father in law. I have never met a man more steady and disciplined then Chuck Olson. He has a HUGE heart and to be on the receiving end of his love is more than I could have asked for. He was SO intentional and purposeful in raising Dusty to be a man of God and for that I am forever grateful.

Lastly, I am blessed my Papa Bear. My dad was the most affirming, encouraging, affectionate, and fun loving dad around. He never missed an event and built me up so much. I am very confident that the reason I have such a good self esteem is due to my dad and his affirmation of me growing up. Even in my adult life, I have SO MUCH FUN with my dad. We really love life and enjoy everything it has to offer us.

Both of these men LOVE my kids and invest in them which is so special. Dillan and Connor sure do love their Papa and Oly! Happy Father's Day to all the special men in my life. My cup is sooo full:)

My boys on Father's Day

Daddy helping Dillan sink a putt

Chuck...aka OLY!


3 generations on the golf course!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


We have had some fun things going on in the Olson household! Dillan got bunk beds and is officially sleeping in a BIG BOY BED! I didn't think I would have to put him in a big kid bed for awhile, but he was climbing out of his crib on a regular basis, so it was time to graduate to the big bed! He has done GREAT! Only a couple of days of getting up at naptime and once in the middle of the night, but other than that he has done AMAZING! Check out this big boy!

Look at me mom!

Getting ready to help dad put the beds together...
he has his tool belt and goggles on:)

All done

Dilly was so excited to be able to climb
in his bed himself and get his blankies:)

Such a big boy in a big boy bed

I love my bed!

In Connor news....he LOVES his exosaucer! We just put him in it yesterday for the first time and he really does love it. He stands up and bounces around and checks out all the fun buttons and toys. It is SOOOO nice to be able to put him in something while I can get other stuff done! It is so funny because I specifically remember Dillan being in there when he was little. He would always barf in it and I was constantly cleaning the barf off the tray. Well the second we put him in there, he barfed all over! HAHA! Somethings never change:) Love this little guy!

Hey everybody

I love my exosaucer

Lastly, check out our Herb Garden! It is going off! I made a really yummy meal for Father's Day...all Barefoot Contessa meals. It was so fun to go cut fresh basil, mint and parsley for my dishes! Our tomatoes have sprouted up too! There are a ton of them growing and I got a sweet recipe for creamy tomato soup and a homemade salsa. I can't wait to try them out!

Yummy herbs



Summer is here (even though it doesn't get sunny till about noon....I dislike "June gloom".) We have been having some really fun water time in the backyard! Dillan got a new water table for his birthday from Beebs and Jack and he absolutely LOVES it! He also really loves showing off his butt crack as you can see from the picture below:) We heart summer!

My little plumber
Sprinkler Fun!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dilly turns 2!!!!!!

Dillan turned 2 on June 4th and we celebrated with a fun party in the park. A couple of months ago I asked Dillan what kind of birthday party he wanted and he immediately responded with "MICK!!!!!!!" He definitely loves Mickey Mouse and all his pals so we went for it! It was a beautiful day in the park and we celebrated with our closest friends and family. Dillan's favorite part was eating his mickey mouse cupcake! It is so fun to celebrate my boys and this was no exception. I can't believe I have a 2 year old! Dillan Davis, I love you so much! You bring me more joy that I could ever know. I love teaching you new things and watching you learn and discover the world around you. I love when you come get in bed with me in the morning and snuggle while you watch Calliou or Mick. I love when we go for walks and you gather sticks and you point out everything you see. Whenever we go anywhere you want to "walk" and you get into everything! I can't wait to see you grow up this next year. I love you so much Dilly!

The picture we used for his invitation

Happy Birthday sign and pinata!

We love this little guy!

Dillan's new balance bike from mommy and daddy

Daddy showing him how

Mickey Ears for the kids


Cute cupcake toppers from Laurenlolly on Etsy


Snack table

Food table

Dilly's cupcake

"Happy Birthday to you!"


Pinata time

"We've got ears....say CHEERS!"

Reading his card from Papa and Yaya
"Happy Birthday to you!"

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Two peas in a pod

This sequence of photos just KILLS me. I love these two together. Dillan and Emery are 12 weeks apart and they sure do love each other. Beebs is gentle and sweet (always wants to know where "Dillwy" is and be right along side him). Dilly loves to give Beebs big bear hugs (which sometimes turns into a "loveable" choke hold:) They really do light up our lives and make life that much more enjoyable!

Labor of Love

I put a video together of my pregnancy and delivery of Connor. Enjoy! (PS...to hear the sound, press pause on the mini iPod on the left side of my page so you can just hear the video sound:)

4 months old!

Connor is 4 months old! This last month has been filled with milestones! Connor has been rolling over and reaching and grabbing for things, which is so fun to watch! He is so much more aware now. He watches Dillan and will laugh, which kills me. The other day he was in the Bjourn as I was putting groceries away. I was putting all the plastic bags in each other and he started laughing hysterically. I think they were tickling his legs or he just liked the sound they were making, but it made my day! So funny:) We went to Connor's 4 month appt and he is 25 1/2 inches (75%) and 14 pounds and 8 oz (50%). He got two shots and didn't even cry!!!!!!!!! I think I might try breaking the exosaucer out in the next couple of weeks and see how he does! He is pretty over the swing at this point and mommy needs to be able to set him down:) He looks more and more like Dusty every single day! I love my little Connor Charles!

Hello world....watch me grow!!!!

Sitting up like a big boy (for about 5 seconds:)

You are so funny mom!

This is Dilly's "Cheese" face! HA!